New Blog(s)

09/03/2009 23:15

New Blogs!

Scavenger Hunt has ended!

by pink ninja on September 4th, 2009

Hi Guys,

Thanks for participating in our mini flash scavenger hunt! =)

I’ll post the winners in a little bit.

~Pink Ninja

Mini YoVille Scavenger Hunt.

by pink ninja on September 4th, 2009

Hi Guys,

This is a mini scavenger hunt. I’ll be posting things like this at random times on random days so make sure to check the blog regularly.

Okay here goes, the first person to post the correct answers to these questions will win 5000 coins. The next 20 people to post the correct answers will win 1000 coins each. Post your answers in the comments on this blog. I’ll be watching.


1. How many stars are on the YoVille Casino sign?

2. How many items are there in the electronics category in the furniture store?

3. How many purple bags of food are in the animal shelter?

4. How many stools are there in Vinny’s Diner?

5. What was the last post made on the YoVille Twitter account?

A bonus 1000 coins goes to the first person to find my favorite color. It’s posted somewhere on ;)

Good luck and answer quickly! =)

~Pink Ninja

*Mid Week Ninja Update*

by platinum ninja on September 3rd, 2009

Hey Guys,

The winning outfits from our Design an Outfit Contest on are now in game! So go check out the Clothing Store or the Items page on To the winners - You should check your accounts as you have your prizes waiting for you!  You guys should be very proud of yourselves and to have their personal designs being worn throughout Yoville…Way to go guys!!! :) Here is a little preview of me sporting the new winning styles..


We also wanted to take this chance to update you guys on some fixes the devs have been working very hard on this week that should hopefully be pushed by the end of the week *crosses fingers*


- Pet Feeding - The developers have isolated the issue for those that have been getting the dead or angry face from their pets. Please note that your pets will not die and you will not lose them in any way from not feeding them. For now please refrain from feeding them until this is resolved and we will give you guys the heads up when this is fixed!

- Metal Grate Tile - We’ve been having some loading issue with this item…. Looks like we are going to go ahead and remove it from the store later this week!

- Contemporary Pool Area - Look forward to this fix this week as well! There have been editing issues surrounding this house and the pool that we are pushing a fix for later this week

- Loading/Lagging - We pushed some improvements with loading last night. This should hopefully be helping more of you get in the game…We are continuing to monitor this issue and if you continue to have issues please make sure that you post in the Technical Forums

Also, we wanted to help clarify some recent changes made to As many of you have seen there has been some new features added and some that have been removed and wanted to give you the run down…

Soap Counter has recently been removed. This was to make room for the new Club tab. You guys can still earn Soaps from cleaning up splats or buy soaps but we no longer show the number of soaps that you own. The devs are exploring new options to give you guys this ability again.

- Myspace Users that Can’t Log in - The devs are working on getting this fixed for the Myspace players out there! There is a workaround you guys can use in the time being..After you log in with your Myspace account and get the white page replace the URL with

- “Your friend has sent you a balloon” Pop-up - For those who couldn’t escape this pop-up the devs have fixed this today for you guys so no more pop-ups! Yay!!

We have seen some confusion on the Forums about the new feature “Abandoned Gift” so here is a breakdown of how it works:

When you log into you may see a pop-up that looks like the following *Please note that these will pop-up randomly and is currently for Facebook users as Myspace does not have feeds*


If you click Share with Friends the following message will be posted and your friends will be able to click on this feed and receive a gift. Keep your eyes open for friends posting these feeds too! When you see one being posted by one of your friends click on the Present Icon or Accept “Your Friend’s” Gift and you will receive a new gift!


Well that’s about it for now…We will continue to keep you guys updated on the fixes listed above!

- Platinum Ninja




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